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Corporate Social Responsibility

Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice
Each year the ProSolve family selects an ambassador charity, committing to supporting and raising both awareness and funds via internal activities and company donations. As a family-friendly and run business, and having supported The Sheffield Children’s Hospital in 2023, we are keen to continue to endorse organisations that particularly benefit children.

For 2024, ProSolve will dedicate its Corporate Social Responsibility initiative to the Bluebell Wood Childrens Hospice, South Yorkshire.
Founded 15 years ago, the hospice is dedicated to supporting hundreds of children and their families around South Yorkshire, North Derbyshire, North Nottinghamshire and parts of North Lincolnshire. 
Bluebell Wood has helped tired mums and dads get some much needed me-time; looked after brothers and sisters who are feeling angry, lonely or confused; and been there for families during the last moments of their child’s life.
With a £2,000 fundraising target, the ProSolve team will be participating in numerous activities and events throughout the year including coffee mornings, dress down days, sponsored walks / runs, Christmas tree recycling and perhaps a Yorkshire Peak or three!
For more information on the amazing work the Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice provides visit:

To make a donation on our Fundraising Page visit: